Friday, May 7, 2010

Hell On Earth

I've reached the conclusion that American people are stupid...

Honestly, normally I try to censor myself but I don't even care anymore.  If I get flagged...well...fuck it. *Kanye shrug*

I've been learning about the US oil spill down in the Gulf of Mexico and thinking, "God!  How stupidly greedy can we be?!"  As dangerous as oil is to the ecosystem, we keep going after it because we have no regard for our own futures.  This is absolutely insane!  Why do American zeitgeists have this crazy idea that the US is God's country?  As wicked as American society is, I haven't the slightest clue.

Why would any God [that I'd believe in] bless a country that is on a collision course with the ill fate of destroying the planet?  We over consume [Gluttony...a deadly sin], are arrogant as hell [Great pride...another deadly sin], and have a murderous mindset [That violates one of the 10 Commandments].  I say unto you, oh Christian States of America, what of your God ordained nation now?

How are we fighting a "war against terrorism" with the usage OF terrorism?  It's not even counter-terrorism because we started the problem to begin with...over oil!  This gooey black substance that burns a hole in the Ozone Layer, world society, and our pockets.  What happens when the oil runs out [Oh, stop!  That'll never happen, Jay!!!]?  Oh, but it can and will, Mr. Marshall!  We're fighting to preserve our oil reserves as we speak.  What do you think the Persian Gulf War was about [*ahem* Armed conflict...]?  You continue to call it than when you're drafted and sent to disarm roadside bombs in Iraq [...].  And so ends your story.

Nick!  Have you anything to add [No, sir...]?!

Furthermore, if oil doesn't kill us, a group of California scientists will!  In April CNN published an article about the world's largest laser possibly solving the Earth's energy crisis.  Factually, there isn't an energy crisis, people like US citizens over consume and drain the reserves.  If that isn't enough, we're all also too lazy (or stupid)--[Or both...] Nick... [...]--to do the work required to produce more energy.  I figured the LEAST we could do is try to conserve some, but hey, what do I know?  I'm just a stupid black kid that likes to rap...

This is when some idiot is going to chime in and say, "We got to pray just to make it today," thinking all will be better if we place free human choice in God's hands.  Keep in mind, this is the same being that gave us totally free will to begin with...I'm sorry I'm not as optimistic as you; I just prefer to use logic in situations like this.  That and I'm also a sue me. 

I really don't think prayer is going to solve anything at this rate.  We're on our own now as we've got to battle with the wills of other idiots.  As rich as this planet is in hydrogen and oxygen (water when they're together), I just can't fathom how someone would consider this a good idea.  If this mini star will consume hydrogen and is surrounded by hydrogen in the air around it, what will stop all of those combustable atoms and molecules from burning and fueling the reaction?  Maybe this question is completely irrelevant to these people...actually, it is.

Should we entrust this solar system to a group of people who have forgotten basic chemistry?  I think not.  Some people want to make a name for themselves, or die trying, and we just turn a blind eye as they TELL us, "Hey, for the sake of just seeing if we can do it, we're going to destroy the entire solar system.  Want in?"  And the Congress says, "Yeah!  I'll take a piece of that."

Let's look at this logically, please.

1. You can't possibly measure the surface temperature of the sun accurately.  You've only made up high ass numbers and accepted them as true, then plugged them into a shit load of devices that continue to lie for you for the sake of your reputation.

2. If you can't get close enough to measure the surface temperature of the sun, there's no possible way for you to get inside it to measure the temperature of its core.  Face it, you have no idea what you're doing or talking about.

3. The sun is far as fuck away from us for a reason!  Life can't bloom on Mercury and Venus for that same reason!  We couldn't get closer than Mercury because of the immense heat and gravity quirks...funny thing is, even Mercury is too hot to land on. 

4. Considering what's true from point 3, how the FUCK can someone produce shielding powerful enough to withstand the heat of a cosmic entity designed to adequately heat a planet [presumably] 93 million miles away?!  It would be more logically sound to do it on the moon where there is far less fuel for the star to consume.

5. The best way to solve an "energy crisis" is to use limitless energy sources while cutting back consumption...or at LEAST developing more energy efficient devices.  Build more kinetic generators that rely on wind.  We have plenty of wind...more fans should equal more output of the generator.  How about solar energy?  Ever thought of advancing that technology?  You can power houses with a roof made of weather resistant solar paneling.  Imagine an entire neighborhood with such...why...we could more than half our consumption!  Eureka!

No, instead of considering these 5 GOOD points, they'd rather blow several billion dollars on the one bad idea..."LET'S CREATE A STAR!!!"  This is what my tax money pays for, huh?  Destroying me in the fastest and most painful way possible, right?  Are you fucking kidding me?!

We're headed to hell in a hand basket while speeding in the express lane with no traffic cops...

*sigh* My mind is mad deep, and you've just jumped in.  And I [can't swim] am right behind you.

Please help me petition this!  We MUST appeal to Congress to reverse their decision to permit this experiment and dismantle that God forsaken laser:

Laser that will destroy us all 

1 comment:

  1. So we're building a deathstar laser! People need to stop watching the news on tv.


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