So, my birthday is in less than a week [The 4th actually...] and I keep asking myself how I'll feel about being 26 [Old...].  Honestly, my troll is quite correct but there's more to my feelings than that.  I feel lost and unaccomplished, if my high school reunion [Which he'll gladly not attend...] were on my birthday I'd be the biggest failure there.  Only the living and class graduates are invited to those, right?

The gravity of the situation has even affected my music.  I've been unable to write anything noteworthy for the last 2 months...that's about when I lyrically destroyed Reid in only 2 tracks [More humiliation to come...].  However, at the peak of my frustration I've managed to begin a process I initially thought was impossible for a character of my type.  Any takers [No...]?  I've started writing a movie script.

I must say it's going rather well although I haven't had much faith in my writing ability outside of music [He's lying.   He was just bragging about his blog...].  Okay, wise guy, let's vote.  Those who believe my lack of confidence in my ability exists please comment accordingly, those who don't, go to hell please also comment accordingly.

Moving on to bigger and better things, I've come across the most prejudiced and possibly controversial sign in Detroit.

Seen in front of this building:

If anyone can guess the full address of this building, thus revealing the location of the sign, I will award them $15 via PayPal, so only readers with active accounts may participate as I believe checks are the devil.  Each participant may submit only one entry so give it a lot of thought before responding [Cheaters will be tarred, feathered, and boiled in oil...].  The contest will be over on February 3, 2010 and the award will only go to the FIRST follower with the correct response [If enough of you got it right he'd go broke otherwise...].  I'm already broke, genius.

Continuing.  I didn't know such bold statements were tolerated.  This is an obvious example of discrimination, clearly stating those who don't believe in God are stupid and, based on the illustration, going to be killed BY God.  This is also, obviously, a Christian message to all "infidels."  Help me out here...who says your perception of God is even remotely accurate?  Every long lasting faith has a history of miraculous instances and countless blessings...which means you're not even half right [Oooooooooohhh!  I heard a beast, b!tch!].  Behave.

"Sorry." - Mr. Marshall

My point is, no matter what title a people give God to understand such a being is irrelevant.  As a matter of fact, God isn't even the name of the Christian deity, it's Jehova (translated from the Hebrew: Yahweh).  For those too ignorant to know any better, that means Jesus freaks and Jews have the same Master, and I'm not saying that sluringly [Not toward the Jewish people that is...].  I guess Mary Magdelene WAS the first Christian afterall [Formerly Jewish...].

As for atheists...I believe they are considered meek along with guys like me, the spiritual but uncertain.  This is my logic:

One of the most vital words in the definition of meek is the word unassuming.  I DO believe in God but I don't follow a specific faith, I study them all and I assume nothing.  That said, a meek individual is likely one who is still in need [Atheist...] or in search of enlightenment.  Those who have already accomplished enlightenment are likely to pass into Heaven.  This came directly from a Christian bible and is likely to be found in the teachings of other major faiths.

My point is this...that sign was a very stupid idea and those associated with its posting are probably having a hard time by now.  When did God give a culture the right to be mean spirited and prejudiced?  I thought we learned how bad an idea that was when we began our battle with racism...I guess not [Pfffft!  Americans...].
Hmmmm, wow...I feel better now.  I think I'll get through my work day and write a song [Good job, Jay...].  Thanks, Mr. Marshall, you know - wait, that's a Pablo Francisco skit - never mind.

My mind is mad deep and you just jumped in.  Hey, is that chocolate?!  NO!  NO, IT'S NOT!