Friday, December 25, 2009

American Woman World Tour

As you all should know I've been going through some things, as stated in my last post.  Those things are why I wasn't able to update for the last two weeks but, worry not, I've returned.  Though my issues haven't been resolved, with great pride, I've come bearing many updates so that you may be entertained at my expense [Just call them out, why don't you...].  Did someone hear a baby crying?

I've suffered the pain of forclosure vicariously through my previous landlord.  Well, she didn't seem very hurt, but I was [A lot...].   Very true, Mr. Marshall.  I've spent all my money trying to move within the agreed upon time period and spent my entire move-in budget doing so, fooled by the prospect of receiving $1942 from Fannie May by way of one of the establishment's subsidiaries, which will not be named [For legal purposes...].

A week after, technically, moving into my Grandmother's humble abode once more, I found myself at a stand still.  For the first time in my life I was trapped.  To my left, a clean and new apartment, to my right, the extremely cold streets of Detroit.  Looking back on the obviosly poor decision I made, I've concluded I should've chosen the latter and worked for the apartment--Oh wait...I already did that...

I don't mean to be such a pessimist and cynic but I can't seem to wrap my mind around the fact my life sucks and, quite frankly, so does the general public [Like vacuum cleaners...].  Honestly, where do people find the audacity...the testicular fortitude to do and say some of the things they do and say?  To tell you the truth, it's AMERICAN people more than anything.

Still don't get it [Because they're retarded...]?  Stop being a troll, Mr. Marshall.

"Sorry!" - Mr. Marshall

I'll help you out by giving you this jewel, okay?  Since when does anyone have the RIGHT to hire you to do work and not pay you?  When?  Apparently these people thought it happened some time in the last 100 years and, because of that misinformation, have thought it wise to attempt to do so with me [Because they're idiots...].   Furthermore, they've also managed to besmirch the name of an otherwise favorable organization.

"Where do they get that right?" - Mr. Marshall

I wasn't aware folks could f*ck other peoples' money like that [Only in this country...].  I mean, you'd think a Capitalist Republic with religious freedom would be less prone to abuse and objectify their own citizens [I guess those of us who think that way are wrong...].  Apparently we are...and that sucks.

I, for one, used to have the utmost faith in this place. I'm saying, literally, it was: God, big sis, parents, Granny, then that order. I loved this place more than pizza!  Hell, I loved it more than Bruce Lee...and I reeeaaalllly love Bruce Lee [And always has...].  Now?  Not so much.

I love this military, I know a lot of them.  I love my family, a love the music, I love the movies, but I hate this flag for no longer symbolizing what it used to stand for.  We've been dominated by money, controlling others, destroying religious freedom, and abusing those who don't bend to our will.  This country sucks!

Constantine truly left a large footprint in history - scratch that - a huge gash in history.  This Christian country denying religious freedom, going to war for oil, abusing its military...this is completely ridiculous!  I didn't sign on for this, I signed on to get rich and famous, travel the world, live a long life, and get laid...[A lot...].  YES!  That was the American dream to me.

Boy, was I an idiot - no, ignorant - , believing in something that clearly did not exist any longer.  I talk to other citizens and learn they share my sentiment, we need help.  We're powerful, true, but no longer sovereign.  How does a "rich and sovereign" nation negotiate loans with wealthy citizens and other countries?  "I'm better than you but I need your money.  If you don't give it to me I'll kill you."  What?!

Maybe I'm just talking to a brick wall, or, maybe I'll finally get through to you people.  I really hope some of this finally sinks in either way [He's always right...].  I wouldn't say always right, Mr. Marshall, more like less likely to be wrong.  It's just like how I show my screen and picture quality is high definition and leagues better than the iPhone and iPod Touch...the new ones.  As a matter of fact, I show them the footage and THEN I compare matching Youtube videos with them.  Furthermore, I also reveal the load on the processor and how mine processes more data faster.  What was a talking about again [Idiot...]?  Again, no comment [Blast!!!].

Well, folks, my battery is dying and the movie is starting.  My mind is mad deep and you just jumped in.  Who's trunks are these [Damnit!!!]?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Black Cotton

I owe my readers an apology.  Forgive my 2 week absence.  I'vve been going through some things and I've learned how bad foreclosure truly is.  Avoid it by all costs.

Okay, I'm African American.  I try to understand my kinsmen but I'm finding great difficulty in doing so.  I'm not unfortunate but I'm not very fortunate either.  I lived a rough life and made a great deal of mistakes...but that only made me grow.  I look around and I don't see many others doing that...

This saddens me because those people often speak for an entire race. They fit the stereotypes and personify every negative image tied to us as a whole. 

I'm riding the bus to work and just as I'm getting more comfortable, I hear it.  Some ignorant douche says, "It aint about no A-rab, man."  First, I noticed the slur and thought to myself, "What did this idiot just say?"  Second, I noticed the poor grammar.  How dare you use slurs, attempt to speak intellectually, and enter such a conversation with such abuse of the English language system?

Not that I think highly of the English language, it's just that anyone who can criticize others should, at the very LEAST, be able to speak well.  Furthermore, they assert themselves as if someone should actually give a damn what they think.  That's just absurd!  Don't spew ignorance and prejudism expecting someone to listen!

Maybe I seem pompous...but I'm not...I'm confidently intelligent.  I won't belittle myself for others despite my professions.  I have goals and I speak as such.  I have an open mind and I'm always willing to learn so, I believe, I've earned the right to criticize those who judge others unjustly.  I'm not perfect but I hope my comments are well received and help my peers learn some decency.  This level of ignorance is such a heavy burden we, as a people, carry.

I apologize to my readers for my lack of humor in this new post.  Honestly I haven't been in that sort of mood [I am...]. No one asked you [Wow!  Moody much?].  Oh, what do you know [As much as you, naturally, idiot...]?  No comment [Damnit...]. I win again.

Excuse my troll, he's been very difficult to control lately [You were just being soft...].  I was not! I was trying to be civil [As demonstrated in the context of your last post...]. Touche`.

My mind is mad deep and you just jumped in.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

I Shit Your Face...Now I Feel Bad

Hi, folks. I've misbehaved in my absense [Typical of him...], I've ridiculed others for having absolutely no understanding of anything historically sound, scientifically proven, or even spiritually supported. What I mean is I entered a discussion about God, and though I've won, I must say the victory wasn't as sweet as I'd expected [Because you're a jerk...]. He started it!

In my attempt to provide an explanation, supported by scientific and historical evidence, I lost myself in the battle with words. I cast insults back in his direction, went through the trouble of citing references from credible sources, defined words, and made fun of his horrible grammar. Nearly losing my temper, due to his more threatening comments, I almost challenged him to meet me in person. He was really close to meeting a doctor [Don't joke about that! That's horrible!]. Who said it was a joke?

I will admit, I'm disappointed in myself for being childish enough to match wits with an idiot. Observing his lack of civility, deplorable grammer, inability to spell grade school level words, lack of punctuation, and lack of actual evidence, I came to realize I had been baited into battle with a peon.

This person remained in constant contradiction with himself as we proceeded to waste moments of our lives with a pointless debate. He constantly threw terms he couldn't define at me, such as: non sequitur, assertion, Doppler effect, and epic. All I could I pick out was how stupid he is, his poor spelling, misuse of terms, pointless rhetoric, and horrible grammar.

He spoke on how use of the Doppler system made it possible for man to calculate the speed of light [Which Infinite addressed and disproved...], how even having no knowledge of the size the universe is expanding and contracting [Which Infinite equated to a pulse, making it a living thing and then disproved as it couldn't be observed...], how Constantine I is responsible for modern Christian faith [Also not true. Infinite proved Constantine was only responsible for political views...], and how he won't believe in God unless God stands right in front of Him.

He calls it Ignosticism, I looked up the term and within the first few sentences, regarded it as bullsh!t. My reasoning? He's an Agnostic young man afraid he may be wrong, Rabbi Sherwin Wine coined the phrase [Which means he made it up...] less than 100 years ago [He was born in 1928...]. He demands concrete evidence of God's existence [Agnostic trait...], refutes anything tangible claiming it to be mearly an assertion [Atheistic trait...], and can't even find the term in a respected dictionary let alone explain the system or its origin [Irrationality due to the fear of being wrong...].

He goes on to tell me how I don't know who he is and who I've pissed off, as if he's some powerful character in an action cartoon. All his posts were pure bull, I exposed him, his following no longer supported him, and in less than 48 hours he faded to black. El Fin`. Even Steven Hawking couldn't save this guy. I felt as if I were arguing with a kindergartener and shame clouded my face. I asked myself if destroying such a weak mind was worth more to me than swallowing my pride and ignoring his smug remarks and harassment [Yes...]. *sigh*

Mr. Marshall is right, which is the very reason why I feel so bad. Had he not forced his beliefs on me they would've been better recieved, no lie, but he did, so he deserved the response I gave him, correct? God help me, I'm a monster [And proud of it...]. I am not!

"If that were true you wouldn't have enjoyed it so much. You read it to others, laughed about it out loud, and even disguised it within your jokes. You're an a$$, though not self righteous, and you've taken pride in the character traits that define such an individual. You found humor at his expense, boasted about the experience, and continued to combat him in spite of even traded insults, yours being psychologically damaging, and violated your own doctrine." - Mr. Effing Marshall

Oh, go to hell, you pompous d!ckhead! I've had my epiphany...

My mind is mad deep and you just jumped in.